Navigating a Whackadoodle World: Table of Contents
For those of you who want to start our story from its beginning, or have lost their place somewhere along the way...
Take one episode at a time,
give it one week’s strict attention,
and leave everything else to its ordinary chance.
Episode One:
Boats float for a reason. If you can figure out the reason, you can float too.
The Power of Cause and Effect
Episode Two:
You see dangerous rapids ahead, while I see an exciting ride.
We all see the river not as it is, but as we believe it to be.
The Power of Definition and Belief
Episode Three:
The river is just the river. Any problem that you have is a reflection of your boat.
The Power of Reflection
Episode Four:
Lots to see on the river. If all you see are rapids, you haven't been paying attention.
The Power of Focus and Attention
Episode Five:
Instead of complaining about the wind, you should learn to adjust your sails.
The Power of Strategy
Episode Six:
No such thing as an empty water jug. Air pours in as water pours out.
The Power of Vacuum
Episode Seven:
Rivers carve canyons one rock at a time.
The Power of Process and Growth
Episode Eight:
An innocent may attempt to dry himself midstream, but only a fool blames water for being wet.
The Power of Responsibility
Episode Nine:
Keep the river clean, and you'll always have water.
The Power of Contribution and Compensation
Episode Ten:
Fish swim in schools for a reason.
The Power of Attraction
Episode Eleven:
Water, and everything else, tends to evaporate.
The Power of Entropy
Episode Twelve:
If you want your crew to listen, learn to speak their language.
The Power of Communication and Understanding
Episode Thirteen: Part One
Captains chart courses for their reasons, not yours.
The Power of Persuasion and Influence
Episode Thirteen: Part Two (More on Persuasion and Influence)
Episode Fourteen:
People design their journeys based on the captains they most admire.
The Power of Indirect Effort
And now, we’ll follow our own advice, and begin cycling through the rules again.
Episode 15: The Power of Cause and Effect, or What Causes People to be Resistant to Change?
Episode 16: The Power of Understanding and Belief, or How to Wake Someone Out of Their Assumptions.
Episode 17: The Power of Reflection, or Did You Really Just Say What I Heard You Say?
Episode 18: The Power of Focus, or Are They Trying to Keep Us Stupid?
Episode 19: The Power of Strategy, or Strategies and tactics don’t always lead to good, do they?
Episode 20: The Power of Vacuum, or Have you discovered your talents?
Episode 21: The Power of Process and Growth, or The Judicial Process is really confusing.
Episode 22: The Power of Responsibility, or Why do you care how I phrase my goals?
Episode 23: The Power of Contribution and Compensation, or Why Bees need flowers and flowers need bees.
Episode 24: The Power of Attraction, or Why Questions Matter.
Episode 25: The Power of Entropy, or A few ideas to consider when things start falling apart.
Episode 26: The Power of Communication and Understanding, or What to do when the people you are learning to listen to, still don’t know how to listen to you?
Episode 27: The Power of Persuasion and Influence, or I never said that influence is the same as persuasion.
Episode 28: The Power of Indirect Effort, or What to do when you come to the end of a story.
And now, we will again follow our own advice, and begin cycling through the rules again.
Episode 29: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: Alpha and Omega
Episode 30: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Cause and Effect, or Why is everything so dysfunctional?
Episode 31: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Definition and Belief, or Why do some beliefs lead to violence?
Episode 32: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Reflection, or What does that belief say about you?
Episode 33: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Focus, or You can't change what you don’t notice.
Episode 34: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Strategy, or Why the creative mind is the first step in strategy.
Episode 35: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Vacuum, or There comes a day when the student teaches the teacher.
Episode 36: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Process and Growth, or What haven't you been noticing?
Episode 37: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Responsibility, or Truth tellers work softly, while liars won’t shut up.
Episode 38: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Contribution and Compensation, or What to do when you’ve had enough?
Episode 39: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Attraction, or Is the Power of Attraction full of stupid hot air?
Episode 40: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Entropy, or A few tips for defeating Entropy.
Episode 41: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Communication and Understanding, or What are the barriers to Communication and Understanding?
Episode 42: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Persuasion and Influence, or Are you aware of how people try to influence you?
Episode 43: Navigating a Whackadoodle World: The Power of Indirect Effort, or Someday we must all leave the nest if we want to fly.
And now, we will again follow our own advice, and begin cycling through the rules again.
Episode 44: The Power of Cause and Effect, If you don't understand the cause of a problem, you can waste a lot of energy trying to fixing that problem before you sit down exhausted, wondering why nothing has changed.
Episode 45: The Power of Definition and Belief, “Democracy is an idea that requires trust to flourish,” I added. “If people don’t trust their fellow citizens, then why would they trust the idea of democracy?”
Episode 46: The Power of Reflection, A Whackadoodle discussion in which my student is determined to embarrass me by posting a video I created years ago, along with a reminder on the need to reflect.
Episode 47: The Power of Focus and Attention, A Whackadoodle discussion with my student in which we tackle Internet addiction, and the games designed to addict us, followed by her second attempt to embarrass me.
Episode 48: The Power of Strategy, In which my student and I dissect a strategy known as the Two Santa Claus Theory in order to help her write her economics paper, and are reminded that curiosity is more important than knowledge.
Episode 49: The Power of Vacuum, A Whackadoodle discussion in which my student and I remind ourselves, "If you don’t fill your life with what you want, you’re gonna keep getting whatever you get.”
Episode 50: The Power of Process and Growth, A Whackadoodle lesson in which my student and I come to an understanding about a process for setting boundaries called three-strikes-you-start-paying; not in money or blood, just in a little sweat.
Episode 51: The Power of Responsibility, A Whackadoodle lesson on this week's guidepost, in which I make it up to my student from last week's post by writing myself as the idiot and her as the guide, along with some thoughts about Bing's AI.
Episode 52: The Power of Contribution and Compensation, A Whackadoodle discussion with my student, in which I share some advice from my father.
Episode 53: The Power of Attraction, A Whackadoodle discussion in which my student askes a question for which I may not have the right answer, but it has few funny stories and a great parody at the end.
Episode 54: The Power of Entropy, A Whackadoodle story about boiling frogs, abusive relationships, and what it sometimes takes to turn the heat down.
Episode 55: The Power of Communication and Understanding, A somewhat late Whackadoodle lesson about what happens when we take guidepost twelve for granted, along with a song to make you smile.
Episode 56: The Power of Persuasion and Influence, A few Whackadoodle words regarding personality disorders, prospecting, having a Moral Compass, and cutting ties.
Episode 57: The Power of Indirect Effort, Three new Whackadoodle words, one family recipe, and a skookum exercise to find your ikigai. You didn't even know that you had an ikigai, did you? (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Finale)
And now, we will again follow our own advice, and begin cycling through the rules again.
Episode 58: The Power of Cause and Effect, or Five Cupcakes along with a simple reminder that Cause and Effect affects everything.
Episode 59: The Power of Definition and Belief, or What's up with emotional intelligence anyway? (Coming September 29)